Living With Purpose: Finding Meaning in Everyday Moments

The word Purpose has been on my mind lately. A few years ago, when I thought about purpose, I was imagining something big—my “Life’s Purpose.” It was all about finding that one grand thing I was supposed to do with my life. How could I be sure I was living it to the fullest? What was I supposed to accomplish?

Then I watched Disney’s Soul, and it made me rethink everything I thought I knew about purpose.

Spoiler alert! If you haven’t seen the movie, maybe skip ahead for a bit!

In Soul, the main character, Joe, is trying to live his life’s purpose as a jazz musician. Just when he’s about to perform in the gig of a lifetime, he dies. But as he’s on his way to the afterlife, he realizes he isn’t ready to go, not when he’s about to live his dream. So, he tries to get back to earth. Along the way, he meets a young soul who’s terrified because she doesn’t know what her spark is—her “purpose” for being born. As they travel together, Joe’s soul ends up in a cat’s body, and the baby soul inhabits Joe’s body. While in his body, the young soul experiences the little joys of life—the taste of food, connecting with people, watching the leaves fall—and she discovers that life itself is where the spark is found.

The Lesson from Disney’s Soul: Purpose in the Little Things

Here’s the kicker: After Joe gets back to his life, he performs the gig of his dreams. But when it’s over, he feels... empty. He thought that living his Life’s Purpose would finally bring him fulfillment. But instead, he realizes that life isn’t just about one big goal. It’s about all the small, beautiful moments that stack up to make a full life.

Watching Soul got me thinking: what if purpose isn’t about finding that one grand thing you’re meant to do? What if it’s about living each moment with purpose?

That’s why I chose Purpose as my word for 2021. I realized that my journey wasn’t about chasing a grand Life’s Purpose, but about finding purpose in the little things—like doing the dishes, drinking coffee, or taking a walk.

I’ve also been listening to Atomic Habits by James Clear, which is about how our habits shape our lives. I’ve been incorporating small habits into my journey, especially as I study the Alexander Technique. What I’ve realized is that habits are a funny thing. They start out as a series of conscious steps we have to think about, like brushing your teeth. At first, you have to think about how to hold the toothbrush, how much toothpaste to use, and all the little movements involved. But over time, it becomes automatic. Your brain goes on cruise control, and you don’t even notice all the little choices you’re making.

Living with Purpose in the Everyday Moments

So, this morning, as I walked into the kitchen to make my coffee, I noticed something. The kitchen was a mess. My son’s plate was still out, there were crumbs everywhere, and the dishes were piled up in the sink. At first, my automatic reaction was annoyance. Why hadn’t anyone else cleaned up? I went to bed earlier than everyone else, hoping the mess would be taken care of by morning. But nope. It was all there, waiting for me.

But then, I remembered my word for the year—Purpose. I realized that there was a deeper purpose in this moment. Sure, I was cleaning up a mess, but the mess was a reminder of a fun night we had together. My family had enjoyed a relaxing New Year’s Eve, eating good food and watching movies. All the little things that made that night special had left their mark in the kitchen.

Choosing Purpose in Everyday Actions

And that’s when it hit me. Purpose isn’t about finding one big thing. It’s about living each moment with intention. I could rush through the task of cleaning, or I could slow down and enjoy it, knowing that in that moment, the purpose was in the action itself.

So, I took my time scrubbing the crockpot, washing the dishes, and cleaning the counters. There was no rush. I didn’t need to check off a list or get it done for the sake of productivity. Instead, I let myself savor the act of cleaning. It wasn’t just about getting the kitchen clean—it was about appreciating the process and the simple joy of having a clean space after a restful night.

And then, as I finished up, I took a picture of the kitchen. It won’t stay clean for long—life will happen again, and the mess will come back. But in that moment, it felt like a reminder that purpose can be found in even the smallest actions.

Finding Purpose in the Small Moments of Life

I’m carrying that mindset forward. Today, I’m choosing to write this blog with purpose. I’m savoring each word, knowing that this moment is part of a larger picture, and I’m going to enjoy the process. I’ll spend time with my daughter afterward, being fully present in that moment too. Because the little moments, lived with purpose, are what make life truly meaningful.

What will you choose to do with purpose today?

Perhaps, you might even choose to sing with purpose, instead of searching for a purpose to sing.


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